Ten Steps To Success
My Top 10 Steps To Success – Derek Mair
Step 1 – Let go of the past; it’s in the past, you can only ever achieve & enjoy in the present, so time is NOW to create your future in the knowledge that the only true failure in life is to not pursue a life of fulfilment… Don’t settle for mediocrity;
Step 2 – You become what you think about so stop focusing on all the reasons why you can’t be successful and start asking yourself WHY you can be… Tracing back though your childhood to when you first heard the notion you can’t be successful & realise that was someone else’s story imposed upon your influencer, which they unconsciously imposed upon you.
Step 3 – Be forever CURIOUS about exploring your potential, reading books to open up your mind to better questions about WHY you can be successful, creating new BELIEFS that will help you to overcome FEAR (False Expectations Appearing Real);
Step 4 - Decide WHO you want to become, YOUR IDEAL SLEF, write down a description of that person and the VALUES that person will live by… then act like that person NOW, with a commitment to never take emotional ownership of things you cannot control, including others opinions of you or their reactions to you, whilst being always respectful of them;
Step 5 - BE self-aware & congruent with your IDEAL SELF, regulating your inner voice, how you see & like yourself, learning to live at a higher level of consciousness & the emotional intelligence to rationalise feelings & RESPOND rather than react;
Step 6 - Decide exactly WHAT you want or WHERE you want to be in 1 day or 1 year and write it down as an outcome;
Step 7 - Decide WHY you want it and write down next to your outcome at least 5 positive emotional why’s; decide what you will REGRET by not achieving your outcome and write down next to your outcome at least 5 emotional consequences;
Step 8 - Learn to meditate and be resolute every day in imagining your outcomes, affirming your greatness, and set the intentions of what you want to experience throughout segment of your day, the feelings of experiencing your WHY’s; and if need be, the emotional consequences of your regrets…. Most importantly repeat step 5 often;
Step 9 – Never worry about HOW you will achieve your desired outcome, have FAITH your subconscious will present the HOW’s to you, recognise them, write them down in a PLAN and TAKE ACTION toward them every day;
Step 10 – Always live in the moment, stop striving, be GRATEFUL for what you have and you will gain much more knowing that you are growing into your future.... If you're not experiencing the joy of the moment, no matter what it is you are doing, then you are not living, life is just passing you by... It’s not about the outcome, it's about the person you become through living the journey & experiencing it to the full, which can only ever do with intention & in the moment.
Bonus Steps…
Step 11 – Always OVER DELIVER as your prosperity in life will be in direct proportion to the value you give to others;
Step 12 – When making commitments to others or yourself…. DO what you said you were going to do; WHEN you said you were going to do it; in the WAY you said you were going to do it;
Step 13 - If you ever doubt yourself or succumb to fear, simply ask yourself what your IDEAL SELF would do, and then do it.
Step 14 – Learn financial intelligence & INVEST at least 10% of you earnings, paying kindness forward & giving back often, remembering that the most precious things in life are free; love, health, family, friends, honour, breathing, consciousness;
Step 15 – Embrace the journey; There is no finish line… Choose to Climb:
“I wish for you the realisation that your only true job in life is to become the best YOU that YOU can be, and that the key to doing so is not to try and change the world around you; It is to learn about, and improve the world within you. ”
Derek Mair