Know Your Value

Know Your Value


If you are not aware of your own value and worth in this world, don’t expect someone else to calculate it for you. Stop putting others first over your own wellbeing, why would you go to the extent of crossing miles for someone that wouldn’t jump a fence for you. Always remember to process what you are being given in this world by others, versus what you truly deserve.

So often you are afraid to take time for yourself, you worry that you will be perceived as selfish or conceited, but the actual truth is, if you do not invest in yourself you will never really know your true worth. Once you understand that you matter, that you are important, and that you deserve it, everything changes.

The risk of burn out is real in this society, doing too much for others with no return can be exhausting. Be kind and offer help, but know your limits, it’s too easy to get caught up in situations that neither serves or enriches you as a person. Refuse to be a doormat for anyone; these people are not respecting your value or your boundaries. Their time is not more important than yours, so be careful that you do not fall into the trap of being used or taken for granted, at the expense of your own health.

It starts with you, decide what you will accept make it non-negotiable and others will soon learn to respect your time. It makes no sense to always be second when you know you’re good enough to be first.

Always make a commitment to treat others with respect, to be able to command the same. Civility costs you nothing and rudeness is distasteful to most. Your maturity will develop once you know when to say no or when to walk away and refusing to compromise your own value, means you will no longer find it necessary to give any discounts to those who wish to exploit it. Instead, you will place yourself behind the glass cabinets where they keep the valuables instead.



“Do not put the responsibility onto another to validate your worth; it’s your job alone to inform those people of your true value.”

Geraldine Mair



I am filled with light, love and peace. I treat myself with kindness and respect and expect the same from others. I know my own worth in this world. I stand by all the values that I have set out for myself. I choose to give my time to those who appreciate me. I am a good person and I stand by my convictions. I refuse to change to be accepted. I will stay true to myself and the right people will love me for it.



No one can tell you what your value is, only you can show the world what you will accept or not.

  1. Never compare yourself with anyone, and never worry about being accepted by others.
  2. Schedule, YOU TIME into your life and make it non-negotiable.
  3. Do not take any message on board you know in your heart to be untrue.
  4. Place a high level of importance on who you are.
  5. Do not allow another person to bully you, belittle you or berate you.
  6. Read, learn and practice how to be assertive.
  7. Rejoice in your uniqueness and refuse to be pushed into a corner.
  8. Pursue a worthy goal and strive to show the world your amazing self.
  9. Raise your expectations of any outcome to the best possible result.
  10. Write a description of the person you would like to be, and act like that person NOW.