Heart Of A Warrior

Heart of a Warrior


It is in the darkest times in your life that you come to discover just how strong and resilient your heart is. It is built to withstand so much pain, so many tests, and things that you imagine you would never be able to survive yet against all the odds you do.

Your strength is beyond the confines of your own consciousness. The more threatened and challenged you feel the more opportunity you give for your warrior heart to emerge. There will be many times you will remember moments of incredible pain and you wondered how you ever got passed it…You always do.

You have an internal compass that drives you through enormous discord, yet it lies dormant inside each one of you until you need it to surface in your darkest moments. When bad things happen in your life and you become pushed to the very edge of the cliff looking down into the abyss, it is then that the person you were built to be, kicks in to action.

Your survival instinct will search everywhere for a solution and a reason to carry on and you will find it.

You fight to protect your honour; you will keep going in the face of every adversity because you fundamentally understand the precious gift of your life. You will find an inner resonance with strength that you tend to mostly ignore; yet it shows itself every time you are ready to give up or give in.

When you delve deep into your very soul, and search for the power that you need in that moment, you will always discovery it because that is what a warrior does. But remember it is not just accessible to you in times of hardship; it is available to you always, whenever you choose it. Harness your capacity for strength regardless of the situation at hand; it will see you through many trials and successes if you choose to utilise it.



“Every one of us has a warrior heart that wants to rise up and declare victory over any situation; this is the voice of the human spirit rising like a phoenix.

Geraldine Mair



I can find an answer to any problem. I have incredible resilience inside of me that knows no bounds. I know when I have a problem I simply need to quiet my mind and I will find the answer. I am a warrior.


There will always be times when you feel that your limits have been reached. You will crumble and fall, however now you must realise that it is not in the falling that you become defeated, it is in the failure to rise that you are beaten.

  1. Any stumbling block that pushes you back is only an opportunity to reflect on past trials that you have already overcome.
  2. If you fall, get up! If you fall seven times then you must be prepared to get up eight. You were built to overcome your challenges and there is nothing that you cannot face.
  3. Get support if you need to from another person who can give you a helping hand or a strong arm. It will only be in keeping all these things inside of yourself that you will become overwhelmed and find it very difficult to move forward.
  4. No mountain is insurmountable unless you choose to make it so. Your life is waiting, so choose to climb.